Today I pass along two documents for you to peruse. One is a copy of the letter I sent to Santa a couple of weeks ago. The second document is Santa’s response, being a brief note he wrote to several political officials to which he attached my original letter.  Check ‘em out.

Dear Santa,

Season’s greetings, my old friend. Please know that you remain in my highest regards for your ongoing generosity to mankind. While others may forget your good and noble work, I never shall. Anyhow, here is my “Santa letter” for this year. What I most want for Christmas this year, dear sir, may be beyond even your North Pole magic but I’ve pared down my requests to just three things. And they aren’t entirely self-centered items. Indeed, they are things that are certainly directed for the common good. Here we go.

1) I would like government funds to the mega-abortion corporation Planned Parenthood to be completely eliminated.  Yes, de-fund the ravenous beast altogether. For crying out loud, Santa, this is a multi-million dollar profiteer that brazenly kills preborn boys and girls, zealously promotes and enables promiscuity and, in a dozen other ways, contributes to the decadence of American culture. 

2) I would like serious actions taken to protect America’s democracy from voter fraud. Mr. Claus, America desperately needs to purge the voter registration rolls of the illegal, the fake, and the dead. We need voter I.D. laws, fair and effective voting machines, non-partisan oversight, harsh penalties for vote fraud crooks, and tough enforcement of all of these.

3) I’m also writing you, Santa, with a request for an American renaissance in which America’s lawmakers and opinion leaders will once again be proud of the U.S. Constitution, proud and grateful enough that they will teach it, defend it, and promote it. I am especially desirous that our representatives implement the Constitution’s protection of the freedoms of religion, speech, and association.

Please Santa, I’m deeply appreciative of all the wonderful presents you’ve given me over the years (I especially remember the Willie Mays fielder’s glove in 1960!), but this year I’m asking for you to please concentrate on these three wishes.



P.S. Of course, Santa, if you do have a little extra time — and know that these “extras” I’ll now mention are, like the others, not just for myself, but for the good of the whole Western world — see what you and the elves can do about getting the U.S. borders secure, removing us from the U.N., shutting down the outlandishly bloated and counter-productive Education Department, and cleaning out the fetid Augean Stables which make up the Deep State.

And about that second document? Here’s Santa’s note to the political representatives which he attached to mine before sending it along to President-elect Trump, several of his nominees to Cabinet positions, Governor Pillen, Senators Fischer and Ricketts, Congressmen Bacon, and a few others.

Dear ———–,

I am redirecting this letter to you as it is more in line with your responsibilities than mine.  However, I pass it along with two personal notations.

First, I can vouch for the character of the letter’s author — at least to the extent that he has maintained a firm place on my “Nice” list ever since his conversion to Christianity way back in 1970.

And second, I personally (and most wholeheartedly) agree with his requests. 
I especially urge you to act quickly upon his first request. As someone who you know has a well-established history as a friend of children, I consider Planned Parenthood one of the most savage and blasphemous villains in history.  So anything and everything you do to de-fund this business would be dearly appreciated up here too.

Thank you for your consideration of Denny’s very important matters,


S. Claus

(Editor’s note. The above were adapted from a post I wrote at Christmastime 2012.)

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.