How Can I Serve Seniors?

It’s simpler than you might think. Here are 4 general areas to consider. 1) Visitation and friendship development. One of the best ways to begin this kind of ministry is to start with a relative, or maybe someone from your church who resides in a nursing home or senior living facility. Just go visit. Talk….

A Look Back: An Interview with Denny & Claire

While at the Walk for Life sponsored by Nebraska Right to Life in Lincoln this morning, we were told that a recent Bott Radio interview program we had done with Assure Women’s Center’s Toni Clarke had aired. You might find this look back at the start of Assure and an overview of Vital Signs Ministries…

The Top 5 (February 1)

This weekend’s Top 5…with a bonus. * “Top Ten Hints for a Successful Marriage” (Denny Hartford, Vital Signs Blog) * “Girling the Boy Scouts” (An outstanding, disturbing 6-minute video by Heather MacDonald for Prager U) * “Test Scores Take Another Dive As Schools Pocket $ Billions” (Editorial Board, Issues & Insights) From the article — Another year, another disastrous National School…

Top Ten Hints for a Successful Marriage

Top Ten Hints for a Successful Marriage Here are ten practical exhortations to keep your marriage sharp, happy, and as effective a ministry as it can be. 10) Take Nothing for Granted. Routine can be comfortable, but it can also wreck spontaneity, passion, gratitude, and fun.  So be careful.  Cultivate a spirit of appreciation for…

The Top 5 (January 25)

1) “Making Inauguration Day Personal” (Denny Hartford, Vital Signs Blog) From the article — No, the new president is not a perfect example of leadership. Until the government is on the shoulders of Jesus, that will always be the case. Nevertheless. President Trump’s experience, convictions, specific proposals, and the team he has assembled around him are more…

A Jan. 22 Open Letter to President Trump

(Of course, we encourage your letters and emails of a similar nature.) A Jan. 22 Open Letter  Dear President Trump, Congratulations on what was a most dramatic and encouraging inauguration! You are making America stronger and fairer and more efficient — and doing it with much needed speed. Thank you, Mr. President. (Yes, it’s terrific to be…

Making Inauguration Day Personal

The vast majority of faithful American Christians have long wanted this day to dawn; that is, the inauguration of President Donald Trump. And many (no, not all) prayed earnestly and expended substantial effort to bring this hope to reality. We did so for two reasons.  1) Because it meant an end to the shameful, sinister…

The Top 5 (January 18)

The Top 5 (January 18) 1) “12 Disgraceful Acts Biden Has Committed (So Far) On His Way Out The White House Door” (Shawn Fleetwood, Federalist) 2) “Can Trump Make America Safe Again? The new administration should return federal law enforcement agencies to their original missions.” (Heather MacDonald, City Journal) From the article — Fighting largely phantom white supremacy was…

The Top 5 (Plus) (January 11)

1)  “Andrew Breitbart, Mark Zuckerberg and the Two-Way Politics-Culture Street” (Josh Hammer, Jewish World Review) From the article — Breitbart, a native Angeleno who frequently inveighed against the fetid rot in his nearby Hollywood, was a culture warrior to his core. He correctly observed — and lamented — the immense power that comes with left-wing dominance of Hollywood,…

An Unforgettable NFA Breakfast

Claire and I enjoyed a very inspiring morning down in Lincoln where we were blessed to attend the Nebraska Family Alliance breakfast with their very special guests being the 6 N.U. athletes whose late-minute pro-life TV ad was so profoundly valuable to the defeat of Amendment 439, the abortion extremists’ effort to enshrine unlimited abortion…

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.