Intelligent Design Creates the “Ultimate Skepticism”

Speaking of the Intelligent Design movement and the resulting cracks in the “great wall” of evolution, America’s most compelling novelist, the late Tom Wolfe writes… “This, science’s Ultimate Skepticism, has been spreading ever since then. Over the past two years even Darwinism, a sacred tenet among American scientists for the past seventy years, has been…

Cowboy Role Models

Mamas, you can go ahead and let your babies grow up to be cowboys…if, that is, they grow up following cowboy codes like the ones you’ll find below. My sermon yesterday at Wellspring Church down in Papillion was entitled, “Let’s Talk About Role Models” with the foundational text being 1 Corinthians 11: 1,2. And I…

The Top 5 (June 29)

* “America Is In Shambles Because Of Democrat Policies, Not Just Joe Biden” (Kylee Griswold, Federalist) From the article — The jig is up. Here’s what disillusioned Democrats and independents and moderates need to know. What all the blue-state refugees who now live in Texas and Florida instead of California and New York City need to admit….

Evolution: The Worst Pseudo-Science Scam of Them All

Throughout the month of July, I will be posting here on Vital Signs Blog various articles, quotations, and references to trustworthy sources dealing with the ethereal, though insistent, claims about evolution. I do so because evolution theories have had such an enormous effect on current culture – an effect that has been devastating to the…

The Top 5 (June 22)

* “The Hidden Hurt behind Pride Month and Sexual Rebellion” (Suzanne Bowdey, Washington Stand) From the article — The reality, Pullman explains, is that “people who have unstable families where children are not growing up in the homes with their two biological married parents [are] much more likely to identify as queer. And then on the flip…

The Top 5 (June 15)

* “One in three female voters wants a party to win her vote on abortion” (Matt Lamb, Human Life Review) From the article — Among female registered voters, 22% say they do not trust either candidate on abortion, while 13% are “not sure.” An almost equal amount (34%) have trust issues with both political parties on abortion….

Stemming the Tide: Denny Speaks to the Nebraska Abortion Ballot Controversy

In the summer of 2022, there was great rejoicing among American Christians at the long-prayed for move of the Supreme Court to reverse 1973’s horrific Roe v Wade decision that had so twisted law, science, history, and civilized moral standards to unleash the “silent holocaust” of abortion upon preborn boys and girls. As the decades of “legalized”…

Top Five (June 8)

* “A Christian Response to Pride Month” (Suzanne Bowdey, Washington Stand) * “Who Is Running Congress?” (Armstrong Williams, Daily Signal) * “The Abortion Industry Owes Its Success To The Proliferation Of Feminism” (Carrie Gress, Federalist) * “Little Pills That Kill” (2-minute video produced by Pro-Life Action Ministries, Vital Signs Blog) * “NIH scientists made $710M in royalties from drug makers — a…

Vital Signs’ Newsletter Is Up

In this month’s edition of our LifeSharer, you’ll find items reflecting ministry activities, blog posts, open letters, and FYI updates. And if they seem to cover a lot of ground, that’s because they do! Indeed, that’s the nature of Vital Signs as Claire and I sincerely try 1) to serve the people that are right…

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.