The Christian pro-life advocates of Vital Signs Ministries are honored to serve “the least of these” by word and deed. Indeed, a hallmark of our work through our 40 years has been an activist-orientation as we seek to be “doers of the Word” in relevant, practical, strategic, and winsome ways. We feature some of those areas of our commitment in this section of the website. Please, check ‘em out!

Nebraska Campaign

About That Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative Protect Our Rights is a group urging all limitations on abortion be eliminated. They are attempting a petition drive which, if successful, would put on the Nebraska ballot language which would enshrine in the Nebraska Constitution a right to abortion until birth. This not only means unlimited abortion throughout a…

VSM April 2024 Letter-writing Items

1) Planned Parenthood * The annual report is out (2022-2223) and we learn the trend is continuing; that is, more abortions, less “health care” services. Indeed, P.P.’s abortions are at an all-time high. * 392, 715 “surgical” abortions. * 228 abortions for every adoption referral * $2 billion in total revenue ($699 million from government…

Vital Signs Ministries Letter-Writing Parties (June 2023)

The list is long for this quarter, but there is a lot going on in our country that needs to be addressed. Read through the list and pick out the ones you want to write. Click on the link below.

Letter-Writing Address List

Click on the link below to get the latest address sheet.

Sample Letters

Dear Pastor,             The latest session of the Nebraska Unicameral was certainly a tumultuous one as common-sense efforts to protect preborn children from abortion, to allow parents a bit more freedom in the education of their children, and to prevent “woke” extremists from furthering their campaign for gender bending at the expense of Nebraska minors…

PAL Nights

P.A.L. Nights (Prayer, Action, Letter-Writing) have been a part of our pro-life ministry from the very beginning.  And whether they have occurred in the basement of our tiny apartment in south Omaha, a church cafeteria or Sunday School room, a restaurant, or now in the dining room here in our northwest Omaha cottage, our letter-writing…

Primer on Letter Writing

With the instant communication that phones, texts, email, and social media platforms have brought, we have almost lost the art of letter writing altogether. That’s an important loss for  however much the technology has improved communication speed, nothing has replaced the power of a personal letter to encourage and influence. Of course, letter writing is…

3 for 5 Prayer Program

Vital Signs Ministries invites Christian pro-life advocates from around the country to participate in this strategic prayer initiative against Planned Parenthood.  It is a simple program, but one which can certainly have a powerful effect as it stimulates not only more people to pray but to pray in more specific, more concerted ways. We call…

Sidewalk Counseling

The key purposes of a praying presence of “sidewalk counselors” at an abortion business are: 1) To offer practical, compassionate help to couples and their preborn children, 2) To obey God’s commands regarding the believer’s testimony against the unjust and inhumane violence which is abortion, and 3) To pray for the ending of abortion in…

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.