Planned Parenthood: Bizarre, Immoral & Infuriating
Just to make sure you remain rightly incensed about Planned Parenthood, I wanted to repeat a few items about the mega-abortion corporation that have shown up in previous Vital Signs posts. I begin with the 8 major reasons that I oppose Planned Parenthood but I then post a few links to VS posts that deal with some of the most maddening of Planned Parenthood’s recent shenanigans.

1) Planned Parenthood kills preborn babies for profit. Hundreds of thousands of babies. And by payments to surgical abortionists and sales of chemical abortifacients, Planned Parenthood is raking in millions of dollars every year. They are the largest abortion providing, abortion promoting business in the world.
2) Planned Parenthood is the most aggressive promoter of abortion rights in the U.S. and abroad. It’s influence in Congress, the United Nations, in state governments, in social service agencies, and among government educators is huge.
3) Planned Parenthood promotes (and enables) sexual promiscuity, even among very young teenagers.
4) Planned Parenthood promotes sexual perversion and does so with obscene and blasphemous materials.
5) Planned Parenthood holds firm to the racism and elitism of its eugenics founders.
6) Planned Parenthood has been caught on many occasions in criminal cover-ups of statutory rape.
7) Planned Parenthood operates many unsafe, unsanitary abortion clinics. It has had several abortionists who have killed adult women through botched abortion. It dispenses very dangerous abortifacient drugs in an unprofessional manner like over the phone and through “at home abortion kits.” It works continually against parental rights and control. It works continually against any and all limitations on abortion.
And, oh yeah…Number 8) Planned Parenthood makes about $100,000,000 every year from American taxpayers.
And now on to those links I mentioned:
91% of Pregnant Women Going to Planned Parenthood Get Abortions
Planned Parenthood Throws Christmas Party for Democrats — At the Abortion Clinic
Purposeful De-Construction: Planned Parenthood’s Jaffe Memo
A Wow Washington Times Editorial: “Planned Parenthood Targets Blacks”
Top 12 Reasons to Defund Planned Parenthood Now (from Live Action)
Planned Parenthood’s Mammogram Mantra Is Another Lie
Planned Parenthood: Where Are the Missing Millions of Our Tax Dollars?
Remember Planned Parenthood’s Violent Superhero?
Planned Parenthood Fights for Funding…With a Sex Party?
Planned Parenthood Tries To Spin Its Way Out Of Scandal
Planned Parenthood Insists: You Must Do Abortions!
Judge’s Ruling: Planned Parenthood Guilty of Illegal Abortion on a 14-Yr Old