
On the ballot are initiatives 434 and 439. Both are pro-abortion. From “prolife” groups, all I hear is to vote Yes to 434 and NO to 439. Why should I not vote NO to both?

My reply?

Thanks for your concerns. I’m sending along links that express my opinions about the amendments and why I’m siding with NRL, NFA, the NCC, and the other longstanding pro-life organizations who urge a vote YES on 434 and NO on 439. And though a NO vote on both amendments seems to take the high ground, the sad fact is that whichever of the amendments receive the most votes (given that they make the 50% mark) will become law. Therefore, if all of the pro-abortion voters AND all of the voters who are misled by the high-powered ads and deceptive language vote YES on 439 without a higher number voting for 434, Nebraska will see every pro-life measure we have ever passed through the Unicameral thrown out.

It’s a matter of numbers. And voting YES on 434 doesn’t at all mean, as its critics are saying, that it will mean no further progress can be made via the Unicameral. It simply protects what we’ve achieved thus far while allowing further pro-life measures be enacted in the future AND while defeating the heinous 439.

I suggest two other points be considered. 1) 434 was carefully written after national pro-life researchers did extensive surveys with Nebraska voters to see what pro-life measures could be (at this moment in history) be realistically protected. With a pro-abortion mania already having overtaken 7 states since the Dobbs ruling, pro-life advocates decided language like 434’s would be the very best defense against the extremism of such horrid actions as 439. 

And 2) The argument that Nebraska’s constitutional language currently protects preborn boys and girls — and therefore, that 434 would actually make of that constitution a more pro-abortion document — is inexplicably naive. After all, the existing language has never been practically used to defend prenatal lives, has it? Alas, you might say, it should be. I wholeheartedly agree and yet it hasn’t and it won’t. Thus, sincere and dedicated pro-life heroes like those of Nebraska Right to Life and the Nebraska Catholic Conference have fought (most circumspectly and prayerfully) over these last several decades to implement practical, meaningful laws that give further protection to unborn children, their moms, and the moral fabric of the culture itself…with a view to always try for more. They deserve gratitude and trust, not vilification.

And now the links I mentioned above:

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.