Dear Mr. And Mrs. Hartford, and Friends,
On behalf of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, we thank you for your recent card. We derive tremendous strength from the unwavering support of our many Christian friends around the world, and appreciate your message of encouragement and prayers.
With warm greetings from Jerusalem,
Sincerely, Rena Riger
Diaspora Affairs Advisor to the Prime Minister
This thoughtful note came in response to one I had written to the Prime Minister on one of our Colorado scene cards at the last Vital Signs letter-writing parties. (That message is printed below.) I post both of these as a reminder (and an exhortation) that letters DO have a positive effect and, therefore, should be taken as a ministry responsibility way more than they are.
They also serve as a reminder (and an exhortation) regarding the Christian’s duty to pray for the peace of Israel…and to be a “gospel light” to all nations.
Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu,
Just a quick word of encouragement for you to remain fixed and purpose as you do everything possible to defend Israel from her enemies. As an American, I sincerely apologize for the lack of support you have received from the United States in the years of the Biden administration. Indeed, this callous indifference to the needs of Israel has been one of the Biden administration’s most shameful failures. Our prayer is that Republican victories in November will greatly increase military and intelligence support for your nation. However, our frequent and fervent prayers are to a much higher source of help for Israel: namely, the Lord God almighty Who holds Israel in the palm of His hand.
However, Mr. Prime Minister, with all this said, I urge you to not neglect the critically important moral dimension necessary for Israel’s ultimate success and well-being. As God called on His people in the Old Testament to repent from their religious apathy, their following other gods, their being consumed by self-interest and pride, He certainly is calling on Israel now to reject these same sins and to get zealous for such righteous practices as sexual purity, defending the sanctity of all human lives (including preborn boys and girls), and a serious contemplation of just Who it is in history Who offers forgiveness of sins through faith in His atoning death.
Praying daily for the peace and security of Israel…and for the hearts of your people to consider the all-gracious gift of Jesus.