An engaging and memorable Monday began with an early morning coffee at Panera for plans, devotions and journal, and a bit of correspondence using our Colorado cards. Then Claire and I joined Mark and Keith for prayers and our pro-life witness outside the Planned Parenthood abortion business. I was able to speak to several of the workers and our large, winsome signs communicated the pro-life message to many, many people driving by. As we were getting ready to leave, Jim Bates and a few of his colleagues from his church in Columbus showed up for a time of public pro-life proclamation. What a faithful band of brothers they are to come so far.

Next Claire and I each took our vehicles out to the new Costco to gas up and we then stopped at Le Peeps for a late brunch. Claire had breakfast while I had a delicious chicken cranberry salad. We enjoyed both the meal and the break very much. One of the things we did while we were there was each share 10 “highlight entertainment events” from our lives. That was really fun. Claire’s list included a concert by Chicago when she was a teenager, several Omaha Symphony concerts, Agatha Christie’s Mousetrap in London, a one-man show with Hal Holbrook portraying Mark Twain, a couple of Andy Williams’ Christmas shows in Branson, and a baseball game in Yankee Stadium. Mine included a performance of Chess on Broadway, performances of the Belarus Bolshoi Ballet in Minsk, Phantom of the Opera in the West End of London, Moses at the Sight & Sound Theater in Branson, and concerts with such stars as Frankie Valli, Harry James, and the Flying W Wranglers. Most of those, of course, were events we had shared and so it was fun to reminisce. 

And then, staying with an entertainment theme, we presented 2 “When Swing Was King” shows in the afternoon. One was at Sterling Ridge and then next at Pacific Springs and. Both went swell — good attendance, great enthusiasm and appreciation, and some terrific visits with folks before and after. And the evening? After a light dinner, it was Claire doing some housework and me reading Henry Williamson’s Tarka the Otter. Thank you, Lord for each blessing and each opportunity to serve that we enjoyed yesterday. And so, we pray right now — and in concert with all of our brothers and sisters in Christ reading this post — please keep us all walking carefully, obediently, and joyfully in the course you have set for us. Amen.

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.