P.A.L. Nights (Prayer, Action, Letter-Writing) have been a part of our pro-life ministry from the very beginning. And whether they have occurred in the basement of our tiny apartment in south Omaha, a church cafeteria or Sunday School room, a restaurant, or now in the dining room here in our northwest Omaha cottage, our letter-writing parties have always featured a few common elements: pens and cards and stationery…coffee and tea and some simple type of desert…letter targets and tips and addresses. Those are all topped off by caring friends who want to do everything they can to make a difference for Christ in their culture.
We’ve got to get out of the habit of just moaning and groaning and complaining to one another. We’ve got to take our complaints to the powers that be. As we’ve often phrased it, we need to stop whining and start shining!
But even with the technological revolution that has brought the internet to center stage, we know there is still something particularly potent about a real letter. With its rarity, its cost, and the time investment it represents, the letter that shows up in the editor’s or businessman’s or politician’s office may well pack a greater punch than ever before. So, by all means, use the e-mail but don’t lay aside completely the persuasive power of the handwritten letter.
In fact, I would urge you to consider making it a part of your week (a half hour of quiet, a cup of tea, and two or three letters). Make it a family project. “The family that writes together is right together” — that sort of thing. Those of you who home school could make it a part of your civics class or “socialization” activity. One adult Sunday School class that we know carried on a successful letter-writing ministry for many years, making “P.A.L. Morning” a regular part of their monthly regimen.
Interested in hosting a letter-writing time at your home or church? Contact us at vitalsigns@vitalsignsministries.org