1) “John Roberts’ Obsession With SCOTUS Legitimacy Has Severely Delegitimized It. — Ending universal injunctions once and for all is the least the chief justice can do to defend not only the judiciary, but our country.” (Benjamin Weingarten, Federalist))

From the article — The chief irony of Chief Justice John Roberts’ tenure at the Supreme Court is that the man so doggedly devoted to defending the judiciary has done so much to undermine it. In so doing, he has threatened not only the court’s legitimacy but the republic itself.

His latest such act wasn’t an abomination of a ruling on the level of Obamacare, the census citizenship question, or DACA; a faulty probe into a devastating leak; or a defense of the indefensible censorship-industrial complex. It was a terse three-line statement that may prove the most consequential — and corrosive — move of them all…

Another excellent article related to the matter above is “This Mess Is of Your Own Making, Chief Justice Roberts. — Nobody voted for judicial supremacy, and it certainly wasn’t the Founding Fathers’ intent.” (Scott McKay, American Spectator)

2) “20 Facts That Will Make You Really Mad if You Stop and Think About Them for a While” (Michael Snyder, Uncanceled  News)

From the article — Why is it that almost every statistic indicates that things have been getting worse in recent years?  Our society has been deteriorating physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually.  It is time to admit how far we have fallen.  If we continue to insist that we are doing the right things, we will continue to get the same results. And right now the results that we are getting are not good at all.  The following are 20 facts that will make you really mad if you stop and think about them for a while…

3) “‘Broken Windows’ and the Terrorism of Small Things. Vandalism and violence are not free speech or ‘protests.'” (James H. McGee, American Spectator)

From the article — Still, we would do well to withhold our laughter, because this kind of vandalism represents a threat to some fundamentally conservative values. It’s not just Teslas, but all manner of other targets, including those we conservatives would value. When the “Just Stop Oil” fanatics splash paint on great works of art, society bears the cost of restoration. When “Jane’s Revenge” spray paints threats on the walls of pregnancy help centers, it intimidates both those seeking help and those who provide it, and the cleanup diverts resources better spent on these women in their hour of need.

Worse yet, this kind of political vandalism nurtures progressively greater violence, moving the needle from graffiti and broken windows to destructive acts such as arson, and sooner or later, to lethal attacks. Years ago we learned to appreciate this dynamic in the context of ordinary, non-political criminality.

4) “6 key facts about the revealing New York Times exposé on Planned Parenthood’s ‘crisis'” (Nancy Flanders, Live Action)

From the article — The Times admits that after Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2022, Planned Parenthood “enjoyed a fund-raising boom, with $498 million in donations that year” alone. Billionaire MacKenzie Scott (ex-wife of Jeff Bezos) gave the abortion corporation $275 million to use at the national office and 21 affiliates. And though, “[o]ver the last five years, the national office has distributed more than $899 million to affiliates to help them deliver care,” according to the Times, “none of it went directly to medical services.”

“Instead,” said the Times, “under the national bylaws, the majority of the money is spent on the legal and political fight to maintain abortion rights.”

The mission of Planned Parenthood Federation of America is not to provide quality health care but to “provide leadership, advocacy and education in the field of reproductive health care.” In other words, the central work of Planned Parenthood is to advocate for legalized abortion, be a leader in the pro-abortion movement, and educate (though with false information) on so-called “reproductive health care,” ie: abortion. 

5) “A few days in London: A snapshot of a society that’s lost its way” (Melanie Phillips)

From the article — I learn that a number of Labour MPs have become intensely concerned that the Starmer government is being sucked into a catastrophically anti-Israel stance because of the rising electoral force of Britain’s Muslims to whom the party is increasingly kow-towing. Around an estimated one hundred out of 403 Labour MPs support Israel, but most don’t dare speak up in its defence because their political careers would then be over.

I ask one Labour MP who does support Israel why so many of his colleagues parrot murderous lies about the Jewish state. He looks unhappy and lowers his voice. “It’s pressure from… the community,” he murmurs. Which community, I ask? Does he mean Britain’s Muslims? He nods, wordlessly. And his Labour colleagues believe absolutely everything the BBC tells them about Gaza, he says in despair; the BBC is the prime source of the lies and the hatred of Israel in Britain.

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.