* “Will the Pro-Life Movement Survive a Kamala Harris Presidency?” (Chris Manion, Population Research Institute)
From the article — Planned Parenthood’s reasoning is simple. They know that, as president, Harris will use her executive authority to “legalize” abortion up to birth across the country. Even more than that, they also know that she will use all of the federal agencies at her disposal to make sure that no one tries to stop her.
Harris has done this before. As Attorney General of California, she relentlessly hounded pro-life organizations, even sending goons to raid their homes.
As president, her efforts to intimidate pro-life supporters will play out on a national stage, and her goal will be to shut down the pro-life movement in America. I predict that she will order raids on pro-life groups across the country.
* “Staying Out Of Politics Is Not The Moral High Ground Some Christians Think It Is” (John Laychak, Federalist)
From the article — Seventy percent of people surveyed agree that “churches and other houses of worship should stay out of politics.”
The rise of the “seeker-friendly” church model has also led an increasing number of churches across America to avoid politically controversial teachings in order to appeal to as many people as possible.
A study by the Barna Group revealed that while 90 percent of pastors believe that the Bible speaks to issues like sexuality, marriage, and abortion, 50 percent of them are hesitant to speak out on these issues for fear of creating division along political lines.
The scope of the political conversation is shifting to include theological questions, but now that these theological questions also have political implications, the church is going silent. The political umbrella is expanding into theological territory, and we are being manipulated into giving to Caesar what belongs to God.
* “Pay No Attention to the Gender Activist Behind the Public School Curtain” (Thomas Jipping & Sarah Parshall Perry, Daily Signal)
From the article — As if Nevada parents didn’t already have their hands full, including helping their children navigate the waters of adolescent sexuality. Now gender activists increasingly are using the public schools to lead students down a path their parents may know nothing about.
And the Biden-Harris administration is making it worse.
Nevada is hardly alone. Nearly 20,000 public schools across the country, attended by 11.5 million students, now have policies that cater to kids’ current sense of “gender identity” but that deliberately keep parents in the dark about that same thing.
* “FBI Revises 2022 Data Revealing Major Uptick in Crime” (Sarah Holliday, Washington Stand)
From the article — as expressed by John Lott, founder and president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, for the last year, “[W]e were having headlines, news articles after news articles saying, ‘Violent crime is falling, people mistakenly or erroneously believe that it’s increasing.’” Even during the presidential debate between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, debate moderator David Muir fact-checked Trump after he acknowledged an increase in crime by saying, “The FBI says overall, violent crime is actually coming down in this country.”
However, after months of Americans being told they’re wrong to believe crime has increased, the FBI “quietly” revised the 2022 data last month only to uncover the fact that rather than crime decreasing by 2.1% under the Biden-Harris administration, it’s increased by 4.5% in 2022 alone. “That’s a 6.6 percentage point change there,” Lott emphasized. People have been “relying on this data,” he continued. “But you don’t see any corrections in the news.” No one is “saying, ‘Oops, the FBI data that we relied on was wrong — that rather than a drop, there was actually an increase that had occurred.”
To further detail the changes made by the FBI, Fox News noted that “the data reflects a net increase of 80,029 violent crimes in 2022 over 2021 … [with] an additional 1,699 murders, 7,780 rapes, 33,459 robberies and 37,091 aggravated assaults that year” than what was originally documented.
* “Google Still Stacking Deck, Buries Right-Leaning News on Presidential Coverage 3 Weeks from Election” (Tom Olohan, National Right to Life)
From the article — The results prominently featured CNN and The New York Times, and publications owned by leftist billionaires, such as Jeff Bezos’s The Washington Post and Marc Benioff’s Time. Not a single right-leaning outlet appeared in Google search results until Fox News was displayed on page eight for the Harris prompt and on page seven for the Trump prompt.
Tellingly, when searching for the aforementioned Harris prompt, Google did not display a single media outlet that AllSides rated as “lean-right” or “right” until a Fox News video appeared as the fourth result on page eight of the search results. For an actual “lean right” or “right” article, users had to go all the way to the fifth result of page 14 to find a New York Post piece.
Google buried the first “lean right” or “right” outlet as the third result on the seventh page when MRC researchers analyzed results for the Trump prompt, as Google finally displayed a Fox Business article in this spot. Google did not display another right-leaning outlet until The Telegraph appeared as the fourth result on page 11.