Still Reading (After All These Years?)

Alas, the Notting Hill Napoleons, our unique and highly esteemed book club which enjoyed 30 years of reading classic works of fiction is no more. With changes in schedules, priorities, energy levels, and resident locations — one of our founding members lives in Florida now with two others living in heaven — we disbanded the…

The Top 5 (February 22)

* “Congressional Republicans Must Codify Trump’s Executive Orders To Make Them Permanent.” (Logan Washburn, Federalist) From the article — Executive orders can simply be reversed — which can be good, since this is what allowed Trump to undo former President Joe Biden’s executive orders like the one that turned federal agencies into Democrat get-out-the-vote machines. But many…

Grace Is the Message of God’s Creation (Psalm 19)

Psalm 19 is one of the most well-known and well-loved psalms because of thepoetic declaration which introduces it. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.” (Psalm…

Behind the Scenes with Demons?

For the next Vital Signs Book Brunch (April 12, 10 AM, at the Hartford home in northwest Omaha), we have selected a classic, Lord Foulgrins’s Letters by one of our favorite contemporary authors, Randy Alcorn from Eternal Perspective Ministries. The book has been one of our favorite Alcorn titles ever since it was published in 2000. In…

Let’s Give the President a Hand

There are exciting, hopeful, and dare I say, fun days ahead for those desiring not only to applaud the good (and desperately needed) work of President Trump of “draining the swamp” and restoring the historic moral ideals of our Republic, but also to do what we can to help him in this noble adventure. And…

The Top 5 (February 15)

1) “Trump’s New White House Faith Office Should Fight to Repeal the Johnson Amendment” (John Amanchukwu, Washington Stand) From the article — The dishonor that was shown to President Donald J. Trump at his second inaugural prayer service was a disgrace. Much has been written about this. The Episcopalian priestess and radical leftist, Mariann Edgar Budde, should…

EPS Event Inspires 800, John & Mary Ann Kellogg Honored

 Claire and I were honored to be the guests of Dr. Ed and Sandy DeSimone at the Glow fundraising banquet for Essential Pregnancy Services last night. It was a great evening and among the special highlights were the conversations around the table, the unique and inspirational address by keynote speaker Steventhen Holland, and the excellent…

What a Week!

As I reviewed my journal entries from last Friday evening through last night, I realized how very special a week it had been for Claire and me, one that was chock full of special blessings for us. Thank you, Lord! Friday night (Jan. 31) was the Nebraska Right to Life Gala — a fantastic banquet/fundraising…

The Top 5 (February 8)

1) “Shut Down the Department of Education” (Betsy DeVoss, Free Press) From the article — I served as the 11th U.S. secretary of education. That’s how I know it’s beyond repair… Since its creation in 1979, the Department of Education has sent well more than $1 trillion to schools with the express purpose of closing the gaps…

The Bridge of Forgiveness and Life

A couple of weeks ago at one of our regular Sunday afternoon church services at Aksarben Village Senior Living, I presented a brief sermon about how one could know that their sins were forgiven by trusting in the finished work of Christ’s cross. In that sermon I focused on the two Scriptures cited below as…

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.