How Present Scientific Knowledge Makes Darwinism Laughable

According to Richard Milton, who wrote Shattering The Myths of Darwinism, the chances of forming protein and self-replicating DNA randomly are as likely as ‘winning the state lottery by finding the winning ticket in the street, and then continuing to win the lottery every week for a thousand years by finding the winning ticket in…

Why A Pro-Life Witness Outside Abortion Businesses?

Claire and I and many of our close friends have participated in a peaceful, prayerful pro-life witness and sidewalk counseling outside abortion mills for over 40 years. Here are 5 quick reasons why. 1) The presence of peaceful, prayerful pro-life advocates outside an abortion clinic has a profound and ongoing effect on those with abortion…

Who Will Speak Up for the Unborn Child?

This afternoon Pastor Doug Russell from Herman Community Church sent over a link to “Who Will?”, a 1989 recording by DeGarmo & Key. Though a veteran pro-life activist for more than 40 years, I had never heard this song. But  boy, I’m delighted I finally got round to it. Thank you, Doug, for your VERY…

Manifest the Life of Jesus! Happy Epiphany!

The holiday that is Epiphany (January 6) highlights and celebrates the public manifestations of Jesus as Messiah, as the Divine King of the Israel, as the long-promised Light to the Gentiles. The primary historical events thus celebrated are the first manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles (the Magi from the East acknowledging Jesus’ divine…

The Top 5 (January 4)

* “The Under- and Over-Estimated Jimmy Carter, RIP” (Stephen Hayward, Power Line) From the article — Carter presents layer upon layer of difficulty to untangle. Carter’s one-time speechwriter Patrick Anderson observed that in Carter’s hometown of Plains, Georgia, neighbors said of him that after an hour you love him, after a week you hate him, and after…

A Foxhole Christmas

Once again this Yuletide, Claire and I were treated to a surprise visit from old friends and pro-life colleagues Tom & Donna Kotchka. And once again, we learned that Tom had a dramatic recitation to delight and inspire us as he performed it in person — just for the two of us! Last year, he…

The Top 5 (December 21)

* “Are the Years of Madness Ending?” (Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness) From the article — Never in U.S. history has a president-elect been welcomed as the real president before his January 20 inauguration. And never has the incumbent president so willingly surrendered his last two months in office and all but abdicated—to the relief of his nation…

Politics & Christmas

From a purely logical point of view, the Advent of Christ occurred at a most inconvenient time and in a most inhospitable place. The details of this scheme certainly would not have been cleared by professional planners or modern-day management consultants. I mean the circumstances seemed so wrong. Caesar Augustus, the ruler of the Roman…

“Far As the Curse Is Found”

The striking phrase above comes from the third verse of Isaac Watts’ 1719 hymn, “Joy to the World.” “No more let sin and sorrows grow, nor thorns infest the ground. He [Jesus] comes to make His blessings known far as the curse is found.” This song, long beloved as a Christmas season carol is better…

The Top 5 (December 14)

Okay, it’s an unusual Top 5 post for today because 1) I’m actually providing links to 6 articles; 2) 3 of those articles are mine from Vital Signs Blog; and 3) there is a “popcorn” list of news items that you may well have missed from the last week or so. Let’s get to ‘em….

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.