Yes, the news from the culture wars gets more grim by the day. And yet, the Christian’s responsibility (better put, opportunity) remains the same; namely, to “shine as lights in the middle of a crooked and perverse generation.” Indeed, the final entry in this week’s Top 5 is a Vital Signs Blog post I wrote which underscores that very important perspective.

The Durham Report Leaves No Doubt: The FBI Is A Mortal Threat To Democracy (John Daniel Davidson, Federalist)

Pro-Life Groups Challenge Trump’s Suggestion That Florida’s Heartbeat Ban Is ‘Too Harsh’ (Mary Margaret Olohan, Daily Signal)

America’s men are in crisis and it’s rooted in one big lie (Senator Josh Hawley, Fox News)

Israel under Fire and The West’s Pusillanimous Response (Richard Kemp, Gatestone Institute)

The Christian Pilgrimage: My Hand in His (Denny Hartford, Vital Signs Blog)

And a bonus link — The Administrative State: The Lawmakers No One Votes For — The unchecked power of the administrative state presents a serious threat to liberty, democracy, and republican government. (Lathan Watts, Alliance Defending Freedom)

But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only.